S'ugafri Redbhul

In your limited time, have boundless compassion

A bright floral aroma that dances in rhythm with your own heartbeat surrounds the small woman, your mood seems to fall in line with the rush of warm aether. You cannot put your finger on why, but her bright yellow eyes look upon you as though she can sense something else. Her accent is thick, almost grating, but when she speaks you feel... more relaxed; not unsettlingly so, but noticeably. You can't tell if it's entirely natural but it isn't wholly unpleasant, either.

A orphan on Pearl Lane, raised by a group Ala Mhigan refugees before being adopted by Miqo'te performers, S'uga started her journey as a Conjurer from the Twelveswood. After years of healing across the realm for the Maelstrom, she has put down her cane and taken up an apron and needle! A child of Menphina and devout follower of Althyk, as well as a venerator of The Dreamer. S'uga tries to live her life to the fullest. In her free time she enjoys traveling, chatting and taking in the fresh sea air of Limsa, her home away from home. Beyond this, she is deeply devoted to aiding the poor and without home or family in Ul'dah, a cause she has recently begun to support more aggressively. She also recently opened a new shop, The Jittery Mammet, a venture through which she hopes to revolutionize minions and mammets for all of Eitheirys. Being an old Free Company House, The Mammet serves as a boarding space and free clinic for those in need of house, home and medical care in Ul'dah.

S'uga is fun-loving and friendly, open to most RP, from casual chats to in-depth discussions. She is open-minded and inclusive to all people, and supports them in and out of game. She loves exploring the vast world of player created venues, inns and establishments, both as an employee and a customer. Currently, you can find her every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 8-12 at the Fortune's Bloom (Zal LB W11P21), a venue she Co-Owns with her friend, Ooki. Stop by, say hi, and relax!

Roleplaying Hooks

Here are some tidbits about S'uga that can be used as icebreakers or basic conversation starters. Some of these are also relevant to things she will generally say, or things about her.

  • S'uga can smell aether, or more specifically dynamis, and will often say as much. React to that how you will, it's a newer sensation for her, and she is still learning the limits of where and when to bring it up.

  • S'uga is exceptionally comfortable with the paranormal and other-worldly, perhaps alarmingly so. If you see her doing something odd, or interacting with things in strange ways, though, don't be afraid to ask about it.

  • Her sword is very big and very obviously radiates an immense amount of aether. Being around it for too long will make you start to feel drained unless you are emotionally engaging yourself, though she doesn't seem much affected by it.

  • S'uga was raised by a loving pair of Miqo'te Troupers who adopted her from an orphanage in Ul'dah. In that way, she is familiar with both life as a street rat and with some aspects of Miqo'te culture.

  • S'uga has a general, strong distaste for the upper class, specifically those who have not earned what they have. Growing up on Pearl Lane was very hard for her, especially as a Lalafell, and she does not pull punches about her dislike for the wealthy, especially those of the ruling class in Ul'dah.

  • S'uga is an accomplished weaver and doll maker, focusing mostly on plushies and the like. She recently opened a mammeteer and minion repair shoppe in the Goblet, The Jittery Mammet!

  • S'uga does a lot of volunteer work, donating a large amount of her time to give back to the orphans of Ul'dah and the Realm at large. She donates clothes and plushies the most.

  • Is a retired member of the Maelstrom, serving as a conjurer, honorably discharged. She is proud of her time, but seeing a lot of good folks die left a melancholy beneath her sweet exterior.

  • She was very active in an order of medics known as the Pearls of Oschon. This stint is partially why she can smell dynamis, and relates to a variety of mild to severe acts of vigillante justice she was a part of, for the good of the lower class.

  • S'uga was kicked out of the Culinarian's Guild. Much of her training she gained from a peculiar diner owner in Aleport.

  • S'uga is deeply religious and spiritual, following Althyk most closely, amongst The Twelve, though she is fond of Menphina and Nald'Thal as well.

A bit about S'uga!

Name: S'ugafri Redbhul
Clan: Dunesfolk
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Pansexual
Age: 30
Height: 3 Fulms 2 Ilms (3’2”)
Nameday: 15th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Guardian: Althyk, the Keeper
Eye Color: Pale Yellow
Hair: Pale blonde with bright pink highlights
Professions: Mammeteer, Cafe Proprietor, Weaver, Conjurer, Chirurgeon.
Favorite Colors: Millioncorn Yellow, Cherry Pink, Jet Black.
Favorite Foods: Apple Strudel, Hot Coffee, Shortcake
Likes: Friends, Stories, Rumors, Plushies, Volunteering
Dislikes: Mean people, Montarists and the Rich, Manipulative people
Quirks: Bubbly, giggly, chatty, blunt, protective